0.2.0 ✔️
This release implements a key capability from Sirveo’s roadmap; persistent stores. Flows can use three new KV nodes to store arbitrary JSON data in the server’s key-value store. Features include opt-in database persistence, optional key expiry and transparent in-memory caching, which can be bypassed for data reads.
Similar to the event browser, the UI has a new store browser to inspect (and remove) persistent items in the server’s key-value store. The next release will extend the store browser with support for memory-only store items.
KV store nodes
- 🔥💠 new node KV Set
- 🔥💠 new node KV Get
- 🔥💠 new node KV Remove
Utility nodes
- 🔥💠 new node: wait (50 milliseconds to 5 seconds)
- ⚡🔥 ui: new KV store browser
- 🔼😀 ui: new search/filter feature when adding new nodes in the flow editor
- 🔼😀 ui: enhance the appearance of tags in the flow list
- ⚡⚙️ server: now has an in-memory LRU cache
- 🔼⚙️ server: database cleanup job is always active (not only when at least one retention period is configured)
- 🔼⚙️ server: database cleanup job removes persistent store items that have expired
- ⚡⚙️ api: add
GET /admin/stores/prefixes
- ⚡⚙️ api: add
GET /admin/stores/items
- ⚡⚙️ api: add
GET /admin/stores/items/:id
- ⚡⚙️ api: add
DELETE /admin/stores/items/:id
- ⚡⚙️ db: add table